End of Season
Our first season of coffee-growing has come to a successfull close. We began working with farmers in several regions and found the women farmers of Bukalasi to be the most eager and receptive to partnering with us. We were able to accomplish much together, including:
1. Farmers were organized into peer-mentoring groups and many women had their first experience of providing leadership to a group of their fellow farmers. The Bukalasi Women’s Group is well led and communicating best practices, praying and worshipping together and building a bright future for their next generation.
2. Farmers were trained and equipped to go from simply selling cherries to middlemen to processing their coffee to parchment and selling to Endiro at a premium price.
3. The Bukalasi farmers achieved their best ever coffee quality scores, consistently scoring in the mid-80s. By keeping this coffee in its microlot, we have been able to serve Bududa Bukalasi coffee as a single origin all year and have very often heard that Endiro is serving the best-tasting coffee in Uganda.
4. The Bukalasi group increased their volume of coffee harvested verses other years and every kilo of parchement sold through the Endiro program resulted in 8,000 UGX going directly to the farmers. Our farmers were among the highest paid (per kilo parchement) in the world. Many of these ladies had been recieving less than 1,000 UGX for a kilogram of coffee cherries before they joined our program.
5. The women of Bukalasi are preparing now to help us train new farming groups in other regions of Uganda and Endiro is preparing to bring their coffee to the larger market of the United States as we launch our first coffee shop their soon.
When you drink coffee at Endiro, you are drinking with confidence – better coffee that is making the world a better place.