People love us on Yelp
Wow… just got notified today that #EndiroAurora has won the highly coveted “People Love Us On Yelp” award for 2017 - not even a year into operations at our first USA location. So grateful and humbled by the honor! Thank you to all of our wonderful customers who have given us both encouraging and constructive feedback. Even the occasional negative review has helped us to get better.
And the biggest word of thanks has to go to our staff. These young women and men came to us from so many different backgrounds and almost no restaurant/coffee industry experience. But they have worked as a team to love and serve our customers and one another as well as to do their critical part in honoring the thousands of farmers who grow Endiro coffee.
If you have not had a chance to leave us a review on Yelp, we’d love to hear from you there. Check out our Yelp page here: